15 Things I've learned in my 20's (so far)

I'm not even 3 years into being in my 20's but I'm learning the hard way, life has taught me a lot! Below is a list of 15 things I figured out the past couple of years of being 20.

"The early twenties is a time for experimentation and growth. Making a few mistakes is part of the process."

1. Grow. The best investment you can make is yourself. Never stop learning, and figuring out who you want to be. Even if you not too sure who that is (yet). You are your only limit.

2. Smile. Life is always better when you smile, even when you're having the worst day. I promise it will be so much better. (On the science side of things, your body releases happy hormones that actually makes you happy)

3. Don't wait, start now. The more you wait, the more time you waste. Start today, who knows what might happen tomorrow.

"Don't look at other people for validation, your birth was your validation ."

4. Fast food is never a good idea. I know it seems like one, but trust me it's never worth it. When I ate fast food (like a while ago) I felt like a grease ball, and so guilty! A week ago I felt like (some people prefer to use "for") Mc Donalds fries, I waited a week for the feeling to pass.

Your life won't change after a salad but it's a good enough start.

5. Keep going. Everyone is not made to finish first but they are made to make it to the end, don't worry, you will get there. I recently did a 5k fun run, and I definitely didn't come first but I finished and I was proud of myself!

6. Most of the time, people are temporary. Three words that changed my life once I accepted it.

"People come and go. Some are cigarette breaks, others are forest fires"

7. No shower days are OK. I'll just leave this here... "According to dermatologist Dr. Ranella Hirsch in an article for Essence, if you shower every day, it might not be good for you. Showers disrupt natural processes that occur on your skin and in your hair and nails."

8. Accept yourself. I can't stress this enough, you are perfect in your own right, puberty won't hit again, this is it. Be comfortable with your face, your body and your soul. I'm not saying don't wear make-up, and let your bits hang over your jeans. I'm saying be happy to fit into clothing your own size, and use make-up to enhance your features. Someone once asked me about my interests and I said "I absolutely love make-up", he then responded with "...but you are beautiful without makeup on", I told him "I didn't say I wasn't beautiful, I said I love make-up".

Me in Yr 7 and Me in my 20's
"The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique"

9. It's okay not to reply to people immediately.

"I wasn't ignoring you, I had to walk my turtle"

10. You're only 20 for 10 years. This seems so obvious but make the most of it! Stop running after people or things you don't need. Chase dreams and make some memories!

11. Order water... haha, This is a good one. When you at a restaurant, instead of ordering a soda or whatever you usually go with, order water instead. Besides being good for your body and good for your wallet, restaurants tend to give you so much food that you get filled up so fast. By drinking soda, you just feel bloated and uncomfortable.

12. It's okay to lie to kids about having games on your phone...

13. If you want to do anything, do it now. You are not going to wake up 6 AM one day and suddenly be and be a different person.

14. God’s timing is perfect.

15. Be Kind! This is important, no matter how bad of a day you might be having someone else is having it worse. Just today I was at the supermarket and it was so full and  I was hot and bothered and I waited in the queue for 15 minutes which really upset me. I finally got to the cashier and forced a smile (literally forced) and I said "Good Afternoon" but she smiled back and my day was instantly so much better. I had a choice to make the cashiers day shitty by giving her attitude, or making it better by being kind. In the end, it was a win-win. I reckon we both had a much better day after that.

And that concludes the 15 things I've learned in my 2 years of being 20. It may not be drastic and life changing but luckily I have a good few years to go!


  1. Great post, some good points there for any age I think xx

  2. Really nice post. Rules to live by at any age.

  3. Great post! Turning older into your 20s is such a huge change in life but it is also such an amazing chance to learn!

    La Belle Sirene

  4. Aw I love this post. :3
    You and I seem to be about the same age, but I feel like I still need to learn a few of these lessons..

    Christie's Take on Life. x

    1. Thanks Christie
      Lets Rock it! :D Goodluck! x


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